在台灣,隨處可見的嬰幼兒用品店,講求可愛溫馨形象,室內設計則大多走粉色或暖色系,空間充斥可愛玩偶或裝飾,主要為吸引嬰幼兒的喜愛,進而引導大人消費;少有主打大人及小孩共享的品味空間,融入大人的時尚風格,又不失孩童的活潑調性,讓親子皆可在其中找到其舒適的歸屬。位在富錦街一帶的「DOU DOU」,原即是一家強調質感及時尚的網路嬰幼選品店,今年欲從網路拓展至實體商舖,擴大對客戶的服務範疇及互動性,故委由鄭士傑設計師操刀,根據品牌的調性與客戶群,將15坪空間採白色、木質調,以俐落簡約的線條,與活潑實驗性的細節,打造出親子互動的生活美學空間。
值得一提是,本案展現設計師將空間缺點變成加分優點的功力,針對空間無法拆除的結構樑,他用巧思創意賦予新生命。於天花板的部份,他將樑包起做成導圓的L造型裝飾板,特以柚木實木貼皮材質,與原本天花板的白,創造有層次的視覺效果,L造型裝飾板也使空間具有流動感及延伸性 ;此外,他更善用前方的結構柱,延長做成壁面,巧妙地隔出櫥窗空間,面外的牆面更採用插畫家VITA畫作,增添展示櫥窗可愛溫暖氣息。
Most baby product shops in Taiwan seek to impress their customers with sweet, cozy atmosphere. In shops as such, pink colors or warm colors are usually used. It’s also common to see lovely dolls or decorations placed everywhere in order to cater to the babies, whose parents will then take out their wallets willingly. ButDOU DOUdecided to take a different tack. Located on Fujin Street, DOU DOU was originally an online baby product select shop featuring fashionable quality products. This year, with a desire to expand its service offering and to more closely interact with the clients, the owner launched a physical store and entrusted the design to designer Shih-ChiehJeng.Considering the brand’s tone of voice and the target customer, Jengchose to present the space with white, wood texture, smart and simple designs as well as other inventivedetails, making the 49.6m2store appealing not only to infants but also to adults, and thus creating a space perfect for parent-child interaction.
This case was different from all the other ones that Jeng had dealt with before. Apart from the interior design, this time he was also in charge of building the corporate identity of the brand. In other words, he was able to let his creativity run wild to bring out the best of DOU DOUbased on its brand philosophy. Taking advantage of the L-shaped façadeperfectly suitable for exhibition, Jengreplaced the frontal part of the store with glass walls and roof. The potted plants standing in the display window and the green trees on the Fujin Streettogether make the store look just like a refreshing greenhouse. The hexagonal rustic tiles paved in the front of the store add to the integrity of the design, whileto the exterior wall in the back, white STO coating was applied, bringing a touch of nature.
Jeng wanted to make DOUDOU more than a commercial space; that’s why in his design, the store is subdivided into several areas, including a living room, a study, a bar, changing rooms, and a restroom.The moment visitors step on the teak flooring that has a homely feel, they would immediately associate high life quality with the store.Furthermore, to create a more user-friendly shopping environment, a diaper changing station and lounge areasare provided.The living room area is in the front part of the store, wherea big dining table is settled for the purpose of displaying goods and a Journal Standard couchis on the left for customers to rest in. On the left of the table is a display shelf featuring its white backboard which underwent special processing.It was wet-sanded with cleaning naphtha, and the weathered looksuccessfully brings a casual air to the space. The right side of the store is virtuallyoccupied by display shelves. Along the bottom of the wall stands a row of retro wooden low storage cabinets with alternate colors of creamy white and light yellow. Above the cabinets there is a shelf unit and each compartment has a linen-cotton-blend cover, which could arouse viewers’ curiosity and evoke a playful mood. Following the shelf unitare a rectangle wall shelfwith a showy light blue backboardand a hanger rack fixed below.
The study area behind the couch is primarily the owner’s working area. Built around a column, the wood counter and its white marble countertop with ripple pattern cannot be more soothing and stylish.In the back of the store on the pinkish-purple wall, there are three doors respectively painted mustard yellow, made of wood and embedded with a mirror, each with a white frame painted by hand. Above the doors that lead to the changing rooms and the restroom are specially-designed air vents.With all these elements together, the wall itself forms a picture delightful to the eye.
Jeng is an expert at turning the stumbling stones into stepping stones, which is manifest in some of the most note-worthy design ideas in DOU DOU. For example, he covered the structural beams with an L-shaped teak veneer ceiling panel, which, against the white ceiling, not only createsvarying levelsbut contributes to the fluidity and the extensiveness of the space. As for the structural column, it became a part of the partition that effectively separates the display window from the interior display space. On the side facing outward, illustrator VITA’s drawings give the window an even more lovable look.
Visitorsmay admire still other intriguing thoughts that came to Jeng as heexperimentedwiththeideasondesign. To name a few, a bank of windows on the left side in the back of the store gives the space a sense of depth. The frames composed of African teak triangular prisms are not onlyinnovative but change the angle of incoming light at different times. Moreover, the stainless steel sign hung in the display window was made according to DOU DOU’s corporate identity. During the day, the pink letters of the sign are just like musical notes dancing above the potted plants, projecting the image of a classy garden. While during the night, the LED lights in the sign gently shine through the window, which conveys a welcoming atmosphere and thus draws more attention from potential customers.
台北にはどこにでもあるベビー用品店。子供の興味を引くため、普通は子供に好まれる可愛らしさを主要イメージとし、ピンク等暖色系を基調にした店内に、人形や飾り物であふれる、というのが一般的なベビー用品店の店舗デザインとなっている。子供だけでなく親に対しても同時に魅力を訴える雰囲気を持つ店というのはあまり見られない。富錦街エリアに構える「DOU DOU」はもともと高品質かつお洒落な商品を厳選することにこだわった、オンラインベビー用品セレクトショップ。増え続ける顧客のニーズに合わせ、また顧客とのより直接的な関係を築くため、2014年販売店舗を開くに至った。ブランドが求めるイメージやターゲット顧客層をもとに、鄭士傑はこの15坪の空間に、まったく新しいベビー用品店のコンセプトを創造した。白と木質調を中心に仕上げ、無駄を削ぎ落としたラインで大人向けのお洒落な雰囲気を醸し出した。実験的でありながら、子供にも気にいられる遊び心あふれる場所、親子ともに楽しめる空間を創り出した。
攝影photography / Ivan
文字article / Gem Cheng